Chubb Must Stop Insuring Methane Projects, Demand Protestors

Chubb CEO Evan Greenberg receives direct message from activists during US China business event in New York October 15th, 2024 (New York, New York) — Evan Greenberg, CEO of Chubb Insurance, was the main focus for protestors outside of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations gala event Tuesday evening in Manhattan. Greenberg is the Executive …

Shared Fates A Housing Resilience Policy Vision for the Home Insurance Crisis

Every year, more people across the United States experience climate disasters, forcing them to leave their homes, lose their belongings, and be separated from jobs and family. Meanwhile, home insurance markets are in a mounting crisis–and leaving people across the country behind. Media and policy makers are attuned to this crisis, but most are not …

Chubb Drops Rio Grande LNG Insurance

Banks, and now insurers, drop project plagued with risk from community, cultural, and climate issues. RIO GRANDE, TX, August 6, 2024 — An insurance certificate obtained through a public information act request for Rio Grande LNG no longer lists Chubb as an insurer of the project. The insurance giant dropped the proposed controversial methane gas …

Over 200 Texans and Louisianians Travel to NYC Seeking Environmental Justice and End to Sacrifice Zones

Events and actions will be held from June 24-28 targeting banks, insurers, and supporters of industries polluting gulf communities New York, NY — Community leaders, elders, young people, and families from the U.S. Gulf South will converge on Wall Street to demand that major financial institutions including BlackRock, Bank of America, Citi, Chubb, KKR, Mizuho, …

Climate Activists at Travelers Golf Tournament Call Out Fossil Fuel Investments

Cromwell CT – June 20, 2024 – Yesterday, a group of Connecticut climate activists attended the Travelers Championship Golf Tournament Pro Amateur event and handed out golf towels to tournament attendees with the inscription “Dropping Policyholders Is Not a Climate Solution.” More than 100 towels were distributed to the crowd. The New York Times reported …

U.S. Capitol building, blue skies

Climate Change Upending Insurance Markets, Making Insurance Less Affordable, More Difficult to Find

In Budget Committee Hearing, Senators do a deep dive into the climate crisis’ impact on the insurance industry, finding disturbing systemic impacts that will undermine the system.  WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Senate Budget Committee on the Budget held a hearing this morning detailing the impacts climate change is having in states across the country. …

Insurance Companies Feel the Heat on Climate Change and Human Rights at Annual Meetings

Insurance giants AIG, Berkshire Hathaway, Chubb, Fairfax Financial, Markel, The Hartford, and Travelers faced shareholder resolutions, questions from concerned investors and activists, and demonstrations outside of their general meetings. Concerned investors and activists focused their attention on these North American insurers in the past month over insurers’ lack of due diligence with respect to Indigenous …

Analysis: Chubb’s new conservation and methane standards remain inadequate but should exclude support for EACOP

New criteria falls short of aligning with 1.5°C San Francisco – In a SEC filing of “Additional Proxy Soliciting Materials” Chubb quietly updated its oil, gas, and conservation policies. RAN’s analysis, released ahead of Chubb’s Annual General Meeting Thursday, May 16th, has concluded that while the updates are a small improvement, the loopholes and narrow scope result in policies …

Connecticut Climate Activists Rally at Travelers Shareholder Meeting

Hartford, CT — Today, Connecticut climate activists returned to the Travelers Annual Shareholder meeting to demand the company take real action on climate change and human rights. Activists from Connecticut Citizen Action Group (CCAG) and Third Act CT circled the Marriott Hotel in Downtown Hartford, while inside, activist shareholders engaged with management on the dangers …

80% of employees are ready to take action on climate change at work

As one of the world’s biggest fossil fuel insurers, insurance giants like Travelers can play a pivotal role in reaching global climate goals. As Travelers prepares for its annual general meeting, it faces a critical moment—yet again—to align its practices with the climate and human rights expectations of today’s workforce and Travelers’ community. Climate-Conscious Students …

Campaigners Demand ‘Polluters Pay’ as Insurance Industry Meet for Inaugural Sustainability Summit

Today, as the insurance industry convenes for the first Global Sustainable Insurance Summit in Los Angeles, the 32 campaign groups of the Insure Our Future network have sent a letter to the world’s leading fossil fuel insurers, detailing how they can accelerate the transition to a clean and just energy economy.   Demands in the letter …

California Homeowners Face Billions in Property Loss from Climate-Related Insurance Non-Renewals

The ‘Dirty Dozen’ insurers—that restricted coverage in California citing climate risks—have $113B of investments in and $3.6B of underwriting income from fossil fuels. California homeowners face a potentially staggering economic blow due to climate-related insurance non-renewals. Insure Our Future’s analysis finds homeowners could lose between $9.87-32.1 billion in property value as a result of more …

Factsheet: The Future is Uninsured

This fact sheet was developed as a companion piece to Analysis: California Homeowners Face Billions in Property Loss from Climate-Related Insurance Non-Renewals. Page 1: Page 2:

Connecticut To Make Insurance Companies That Enable Fossil Fuel Projects Foot Bill For Climate Disasters

Innovative approach by lawmakers in the ‘insurance capital’ has national significance as soaring insurance premiums driven by extreme weather strain household budgets countrywide HARTFORD, CT – Today, the Connecticut General Assembly Environment Committee voted to approve the Governor’s Climate Resiliency bill (SB11) with an amendment that advances a climate resiliency fund to support communities in …

Millions of Consumers Lack Vital Homeowners Insurance, Resulting in $1.6 Trillion in Unprotected Market Value

Originally posted on Consumer Federation of America.  Washington, D.C.—A new report by Consumer Federation of America (CFA) reveals that over six million homeowners lack homeowners insurance, leaving them dangerously unprotected from natural disasters and other significant damage that might happen to their homes. The report estimates that 7.4% of all homeowners in the country are uninsured, accounting …

Thousands Take Part In Powerful Global Week Of Action Demanding Insurance Industry Take Climate Action

This week has been an incredible global week of action for the Insure Our Future campaign, with thousands of people taking part in over 100 actions across 31 countries in 5 continents, including over 100,000 people taking action online. In-person actions include protests in Japan, South Korea, Nigeria, Uganda, Indonesia, UK, USA, Philippines, Pakistan, Tanzania, …

Global Week of Action Calls on Insurance Companies to Take Urgent Climate Action

The insurance industry holds the key to a safer, prosperous future if they act now. Over 100 roups in over 27 countries across 5 continents are holding over 80 demonstrations, marches, direct actions and events this week with a clear message: Insure Our Future, not fossil fuels. The insurance industry is uniquely positioned to drive …

REPORT: Risk Exposure: The Insurers Secretly Backing The Methane Gas Boom in the U.S. Gulf South

At least 35 different insurance companies are responsible for underwriting liquified methane export terminal projects across the U.S Gulf South, according to a report by Rainforest Action Network and Public Citizen. The analysis, based on documents obtained through open record requests, details the insurance coverage for existing and projected methane gas infrastructure that, if built, will export the …

Risk Exposure: The Insurers Secretly Backing The Methane Gas Boom in the U.S. Gulf South

Report with FOIA information reveals which insurers are part of the biggest fossil fuel buildout of this generation Houston, Texas –  At least 35 different insurance companies are responsible for underwriting liquified methane export terminal projects across the U.S Gulf South, according to a report released today by Rainforest Action Network and Public Citizen. The …

Climate & Frontline Groups Demand Banks, Insurance & Private Equity End LNG Backing

Over 100 frontline and climate groups have written to the biggest banks, insurance companies and private equity backing liquefied methane gas (LNG), demanding they follow the dramatic change in US policy on the sector and to end their financial support. The organizations, including Texas Campaign for the Environment, Sierra Club, Rainforest Action Network and Friends …

Insurance Certificate Obtained by FOIA Challenges Companies’ Climate Commitments

Chubb, Liberty Mutual, Sompo revealed as insurers on Rio Grande Valley Methane Projects (Brownsville, Texas) A recent Freedom of Information Act request revealed that Chubb, Liberty Mutual, and Sompo are the insurers behind the Rio Grande LNG project, a proposed methane gas export terminal on the Texas Gulf Coast that would annually emit the equivalent to 44 …

Insurers Must Honor the COP28 Agreement

In response to the COP28 agreement to transition away from fossil fuels, Mary Sweeters, Senior Strategist with Insure Our Future, said: “The agreement from nearly 200 countries at COP28 calling for a transition away from fossil fuels affirms what scientists have been saying for years: to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, we cannot …

Insurance Capital of the World Called out for Fueling the End of the World; Connecticut Insurer among 10 Worst Fossil Fuel Insurers Globally

Fifty years after the insurance industry first warned about the impact of climate change, it is continuing to fuel the climate emergency. Today, the international Insure Our Future coalition launched its seventh annual insurance scorecard, analyzing 30 leading global insurers on their fossil fuel and climate policies. It finds insurers are not doing nearly enough. So much …

Pollution Premiums: U.S. Insurers Make Families Pay for Soaring Climate Costs

Fifty years after the industry first warned about the growing risks of climate change it continues to provide insurance that allows new fossil fuel projects to go ahead. Insurers are abandoning customers affected by climate risks, yet most continue to fuel the climate emergency by providing cover for increased oil and gas production. Read the …

Insurers Withdraw Cover for Climate Risks while Backing Increased Fossil Fuel Production, Industry Must Act to Support 1.5°C Climate Target After 50 Years of Failure

Global, 9 November 2023 – Fifty years after the insurance industry first warned about the impact of climate change it is continuing to fuel the climate emergency, the Insure Our Future campaign warns today in its seventh annual scorecard on insurers’ climate policies. The growing frequency and severity of floods, hurricanes, wildfires, droughts and other …

Coal mining in surface mine. Miner looking on the huge excavator.

Insurance Giants Deeply Involved in Underwriting U.S. Coal, Undermining Public Net Zero Commitments

Washington, D.C., 28 September 2023 – New Report shows AIG, Liberty Mutual, Lloyd’s of London, Swiss Re, and Zurich insure at least 41% of U.S. coal output, sometimes violating internal policies aimed at slowing climate change. Global insurance giants continue to underwrite U.S. coal production at alarming rates. While more and more insurance companies are …

Fifteen Years after Great Recession, Activists Call on AIG to Prevent Financial Meltdown Caused by Climate Change

NEW YORK — Fifteen years after  American International Group Inc. (AIG) nearly failed due to reckless financial practices, forcing the federal government to respond with a $182 billion bailout, protesters today rallied at the company’s headquarters, calling on the insurance giant to take steps to quickly end its risky underwriting and investments in fossil fuels. …

Congo oil fields are quickly becoming uninsurable

8 September, Kinshasa – Any company granted exploration and exploitation rights in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) oil auction could find itself without financial protection, according to a report published today by Greenpeace Africa, Insure our Future, Reclaim Finance and Urgewald. If leading insurance and reinsurance companies follow their commitments and their general environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) policies, oil …

U.S. Capitol building, blue skies

Nationwide Insurance Crisis Sparks Senate Hearing, Focusing on Climate Change Financial Impacts

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs will take a deep dive into issues plaguing property insurance markets across the country and the impact changes, including from climate change, will impact consumers. Over the past year, several major insurance companies have limited or withdrawn coverage from states dealing with major …

Sustainability Smokescreen – Analysis of AIG’s 2022 ESG Report

Overview AIG released its 2022 Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) report in July. The report fails to demonstrate progress on its climate commitments. As a major insurance provider for coal, oil, and gas, AIG does not acknowledge how its continued support for fossil fuels actively exacerbates climate-related threats to its business. On March 1, 2022 AIG purported to commit to …

Insurance Industry Scorecard Update Reports 20 Global Insurers now Protect Land Sacred to Alaska Natives in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

FAIRBANKS, AK – An update to the Gwich’in Steering Committee (GSC) insurance industry scorecard released today reports 20 insurers now have a policy that protects Iizhik Gwats’an Gwandaii Goodlit (“The Sacred Place Where Life Begins”) from oil and gas development. The scorecard tracks global insurance companies’ policies on fossil fuel development in the coastal plain of the Arctic …

Swing and a Miss: Travelers Fails to Champion Climate Change

In June, as an activist with Connecticut Citizen Action Group, I took to the greens at the 2023 Travelers’ Championship to gain recognition for the global climate emergency and the complicity in that crisis of the corporate interests involved in the tournament. Over the past month alone, I have seen some of the tragic effects …

A handshake centered in the image. Sleeve on the left is blue and the skin color of the person is a shade of brown. The sleeve on the right is white and the skin color is light brown. A blurred out office is in the background of the handshake.

New analysis reveals insurers financed U.S. far-right politicians who are attacking insurers’ business model

A new analysis finds that far-right politicians in Texas and Louisiana, who have been attacking the insurance industry’s ability to factor in basic climate risks for their business, have quietly been receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars from the insurance industry itself. As the insurance industry faces billions in climate-related losses, this raises the question …

U.S. Capitol building, blue skies

As Climate Change Pushes Insurers Out of California, Rep. Schiff Calls for Data and Transparency around Industries’ Fossil Fuel Investments

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) today introduced legislation intended to require insurance companies to disclose investments and underwriting of fossil fuels companies. The Polluter Portfolio Disclosure Act aims to increase transparency around how insurance companies worsen the climate crisis, particularly as they abandon insurance customers in states that find themselves on the front lines of …

Farmers Insurance to Stop Offering Coverage in Hurricane-Prone Florida

Farmers Insurance announced today that the company will not renew existing automobile, home, and umbrella policies in Florida. The company’s announcement comes after it gave Florida’s Office of Insurance Regulation notice on Monday, beginning a 90-day warning period for policy holders. Farmers’ decision will impact nearly 100,000 policies. In response, Carly Fabian, insurance policy advocate with Public Citizen’s Climate Program, issued …

Farmers Insurance Becomes Latest Company to Limit Insurance Coverage in California

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Farmers Insurance, a subsidiary of Zurich Insurance Group, announced in a statement today that the company began limiting new homeowners insurance policies in California on July 3. Shortly after Farmer’s revealed that it would limit new coverage, the American Property Casualty Insurance Association (APCIA) called for reform of California’s insurance regulatory framework to make …

Federal Insurance Office Report Sees Fragmented Approach to Climate-Related Risks

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Treasury Department’s Federal Insurance Office (FIO) today released a report on climate-related regulation and supervision of insurers. The report assesses the limitations of existing regulation and includes 20 recommendations. In response, Carly Fabian, insurance policy advocate with Public Citizen’s Climate Program issued the following statement: Alex Martin, Policy Director for Climate and Finance …

Travelers Under Fire for Ignoring Climate and Human Rights Concerns with Saudi PGA Merger, Activists Rally at Championship Tournament in Cromwell

CROMWELL, CT – Today (6/21/23), Connecticut Citizen Action Group and the Insure Our Future coalition rallied outside the Travelers Championship Tournament in Cromwell, protesting the company’s investment and underwriting of fossil fuel expansion. For the second year in a row, protestors were accompanied by Hartford’s Proud Drill Drum and Dance Corp, an organization that works …

U.S. Capitol building, blue skies

Senate Budget Committee Calls on AIG and other U.S. Insurers to Disclose Fossil Fuel Support and Respect Human Rights

WASHINGTON, D.C. –  The Senate Budget Committee today called on insurance giants American Insurance Group, Inc. (AIG), Chubb Corp, Liberty Mutual Group, Starr Wright USA, Berkshire Hathaway, State Farm, and Travelers Insurance to disclose their coverage for and investments in fossil fuels and information on how each insurer respects human rights. The Committee’s letter, sent by Chairman Senator Whitehouse …

U.S. Senate Budget Committee’s Letters to Insurance Companies

Senator Whitehouse (D-RI), Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, and fellow Committee members Senators Wyden (D-OR) and Sanders (I-VT) launched an investigation into how the U.S. insurance industry evaluates climate-related risks, decides to invest in or underwrite fossil fuel expansion projects that drive such risks, and prices policies that insure such projects. In letters sent to AIG, Berkshire …

One Year After Explosion in Freeport, 140+ Groups Demand Insurance Companies Stop Insuring Dangerous Methane Gas Expansion

Watch the Freeport community voice their demands at 11am CT on June 8: HERE June 8, 2023 — As insurers abandon communities facing rising climate threats from the Gulf Coast to California, fears of an uninsurability crisis in the US are growing. However, many of the same companies are making these risks worse by continuing …

Open Letter to Insurers to Stop Insuring Liquified Natural Gas facilities

Over 140 organizations, representing frontline communities and allies, sent an open letter to the world’s largest insurance corporations, like Liberty Mutual, Chubb, AIG, demanding they stop insuring methane gas export terminals and meet with the community members affected by these projects. More than 20 liquified “natural” gas (LNG) facilities are proposed to be built along the Gulf …

Insurers and Their Largest Shareholders Fail the Climate Test This Proxy Season

Questions about companies’ plans to address climate change dominate general meetings, shareholder proposals fail to receive majority support At their annual general meetings (AGMs) this year, U.S insurance companies Chubb, The Hartford, and Travelers and their largest shareholders failed this proxy season’s climate test. Concerned investors filed resolutions to address the climate and human rights-related …

Gwich’in Steering Committee Speaks at Travelers Annual Meeting, Requests U.S. Insurance Giant Not Support Oil and Gas Projects in the Arctic Refuge

Hartford, CT – Traveling over 4,300 miles from Alaska to Connecticut, the Gwich’in Steering Committee delivered a statement today at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Travelers, a major U.S. company with a history of underwriting oil and gas projects. Trillium Asset Management, shareholders of Travelers, invited GSC to speak on behalf of their proposal …

The Hartford Shareholders Fail Climate Test

Hartford, CT – Advocates calling for climate action from The Hartford said the insurer and its largest shareholders failed the climate test in light of results of a vote on a climate shareholder resolution at the company’s annual general meeting (AGM) last Wednesday. Shareholders were asked to vote on a resolution filed by Green Century …

Chubb Swings and Misses on Climate and Human Rights

Shareholders reject resolutions on climate change and human rights Zurich, Switzerland (May 17, 2023) – Unlike last year, in which 72% of shares cast supported a resolution from As You Sow, shareholders of Chubb Limited (NYSE: CB) did not pass the same measure on if and how it plans to measure, disclose, and reduce its emissions associated …

How does Chubb’s recent oil & gas policy measure up to climate science?

This factsheet compares Chubb’s new climate commitments against science-based recommendations and global peer insurers’ climate policies. Background: In March, the world’s leading climate science body IPCC issued a “final warning” to scale up rapid action to get on a 1.5 ̊C pathway, by stopping fossil fuel expansion. The same month, Chubb announced new policies stating …

In Proxy Statements, Insurers Double Down on Fossil Fuel Business Despite Claims of Climate Action

This past week, Chubb, The Hartford, and Travelers released proxy statements urging shareholders to vote against the climate and human rights resolutions on the ballot at their annual general meetings in May. These insurers are facing a growing challenge from investor advocates to curb fossil fuel underwriting, reduce emissions, and respect Indigenous rights, and, in …

Analysis: Chubb’s New Oil and Gas Standards on Conservation & Methane Emissions

Rainforest Action Network’s Assessment of Chubb’s Climate Commitments On March 22, 2023, Chubb announced a new suite of policies to restrict underwriting oil and gas extraction based on conservation and methane emissions criteria. Chubb will not insure oil and gas extraction projects that are located in specific protected areas or do not have evidence-based plans …

Texas bills target shareholders’ ability to hold insurers accountable for climate risks

Texas is ground zero for attacks on investor freedom to assess material risk. In 2023, 21 bills have been filed to prevent financial institutions and the state pension fund from considering environmental and climate risks, including two proposals targeting the insurance industry specifically.  It is critical that insurers are allowed to fulfill their role as …

Photo credit: Katie Godowski

SEC Rejects Shareholder Resolution Demanding Chubb Curb Insurance for Fossil Fuel Expansion

But Chubb proxy will include resolutions on emissions reductions and human rights reporting March 29, 2023 (Washington, D.C.) – Yesterday afternoon, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) shared that it had rejected a shareholder resolution filed at Chubb calling on the insurer to adopt a time-bound phase out of underwriting new coal, oil, and …

Annual letter to the CEOs of 30 major fossil fuel insurers, 2023

Every year, the Insure Our Future network publishes an open letter to the CEOs of 30 major insurance companies whose fossil fuel policies are ranked annually by Insure Our Future, among which are: AIG, Allianz, AXA, Chubb, Generali, Liberty Mutual, Lloyd’s of London, Munich Re, SCOR, Sinosure, SOMPO, Tokio Marine and Zurich. The letter outlines …

Chubb Becomes First U.S. Insurer to Limit Insuring Oil and Gas Extraction Projects but Falls Short of Aligning with Climate Science

Insurance Giant Adopts Policy on Conservation Areas and Methane Emissions March 22, 2023 – Today, Chubb (NYSE: CB) announced a new suite of policies to restrict underwriting oil and gas extraction based on conservation and emissions criteria. According to its press release, Chubb will not insure oil and gas extraction projects that are located in specific …

Climate Votes Flags 2023 Shareholder Votes at Chubb, The Hartford, and Travelers

Climate Votes has published an investors’ brief highlighting the insurance sector’s high exposure to climate-related risks and identifying actionable opportunities that investors can take this AGM season to encourage mitigating these risks. Shareholders are increasingly concerned about the climate and human rights risks facing property and casualty insurance companies that underwrite energy projects and companies. …

Connecticut Considers New Bill to Make Fossil Fuel Polluters Pay for Soaring Climate Costs and Insurance Premiums Borne by Communities

Exxon Mobil, one of the world’s largest fossil fuel companies, made a record breaking $55.5 billion dollars in 2022 profits as the climate crisis devastated communities. Hartford, CT – The Connecticut Insurance and Real Estate committee held a hearing last Thursday on S.B. 1115, An Act Establishing a Surcharge on Insurance Companies in this State …

Connecticut’s Insurance and Real Estate committee holds public hearing to lower insurance premiums and invest in environmental justice communities

The Insurance and Real Estate committee will hold a public hearing tomorrow to lower insurance premiums and invest in environmental justice communities. When: Thursday, March 2, 2023, 2:30pm Where: CT General Assembly, Room LOB 2A, 210 Capitol Ave, Hartford, CT 06106 Streaming Link: YouTube Live INS  Hartford, CT – On Thursday, the Connecticut Insurance and …

Activists Call on AIG to Disavow Insurance Coverage of East African Crude Oil Pipeline

Groups Deliver Petition Signed by More Than 50,000 Calling on Insurance Giant to Publicly State Position on Project NEW YORK — Outside of American International Group Inc.’s (AIG) headquarters, activists from Public Citizen, Climate Families NYC, Sunrise Movement NYC, and other groups called on the insurance giant to publicly commit not to provide coverage for …

For the Second Year in a Row, Chubb Attempts to Silence Shareholders’ Climate Concerns

Following an unprecedented investor challenge for climate action at the largest U.S. fossil fuel insurers last year, Chubb is again facing two resolutions from shareholders addressing the insurance giant’s fossil fuel business and overall carbon footprint. And like last year, Chubb has issued no-action requests with the SEC in an attempt to silence shareholders’ climate …

How This Insurance Company is Undermining Climate Action

Originally published on Public Citizen’s website.  Since American International Group (AIG) crashed in 2008 because of its reckless bets on financial products linked to predatory mortgage lending, the insurance giant has faded from the headlines. And its CEO, Peter Zaffino, is far for a household name. But we should all pay more attention to AIG …

Will new CEO Tim Sweeney clean up Liberty Mutual’s climate and human rights record?

Will new CEO Tim Sweeney clean up Liberty Mutual’s climate and human rights record? He may not be a household name, but Tim Sweeney just became a critical decision-maker when it comes to the fate of the fossil fuel industry’s global expansion plans. As of January 1, 2023, Sweeney is the new CEO of Boston-based insurance giant …

Caroling Activists to the The Hartford: Do the Right Thing

SIMSBURY – Today (Wednesday, 12/21) climate activists from Connecticut Citizen Action Group (CCAG) and the CT Insure Our Future coalition paid a visit to The Hartford’s new Sustainability Officer, Terrence Shields, in West Simsbury for some climate-themed holiday caroling. The Hartford insurance company has lagged behind leading international insurers on taking substantive steps to address …

Green Century files Shareholder Resolutions with 3 U.S. Insurers

Today, Green Century Capital Management announced that it filed shareholder resolutions with Chubb, The Hartford, and Travelers, calling on the companies to phase out underwriting of new fossil fuel projects. Members of the Insure Our Future coalition responded: *** Insure Our Future U.S. is a campaign of environmental, consumer protection, and grassroots organizations holding the …

Seton Hall Students joined by local activists to urge Chubb Insurance to act to protect the Arctic Refuge

New York City – On Thursday December 1st, Seton Hall Students joined local activists in New York City to support efforts to defend the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from drilling. Organizers delivered almost 70,000 petition signatures urging the CEO of Chubb Insurance, Evan Greenberg, to join other insurance companies across the globe in committing to …

Indigenous leaders joined by local activists to urge Travelers Insurance to act to protect the Arctic Refuge

Hartford, CT – On Thursday November 10, 2022, Gwich’in and Indigenous leaders and local activists gathered in downtown Hartford to support efforts to defend the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from drilling. Organizers delivered more than 64,000 petition signatures urging the CEO of Travelers Insurance, Alan Schnitzer, to join other insurance companies across the globe in …

Activists Build Oil Derrick Outside Chubb CEO’s Home, Spotlighting the Insurer’s Role in Fossil Fuel Expansion

Pop-up action in New York City exposes Evan Greenberg’s climate hypocrisy Photos of the action can be found here. October 27, 2022 (NYC, USA) –  This morning, climate activists built a two-story mock oil derrick outside the NYC home of Chubb CEO Evan Greenberg to spotlight the insurance giant’s destructive climate and human rights record. …

This CEO Could Thwart Global Fossil Fuel Expansion Plans

Evan Greenberg may not be a household name, but he should be, as CEO of the world’s largest publicly-traded property and casualty insurer: Chubb. Chubb provides insurance coverage for everything from individual homes to multinational corporations, and according to our research, is a top backer of oil and gas projects around the world, including offshore …

Small climate steps by U.S. insurers lag behind leaps by global competitors on oil and gas, with new coal increasingly uninsurable

13 global insurers have restricted support for oil and gas expansion, increasing pressure on U.S. insurers to follow suit 18 October 2022 – This year steps by U.S. insurers look out of touch with the escalating pace of climate impacts. Global insurance company restrictions on oil and gas are finally starting to catch up with …

A Race to the Middle: North American Insurers Lag Behind European Progress on Oil and Gas

As the global insurance industry’s move away from oil and gas picks up momentum this year, the largest North American fossil fuel insurers – even those who have made significant strides, by North American industry standards—lag behind. Some Bermudan insurers are stepping up to fill the leadership void across North America. This brief delves into …

AXIS Capital Becomes First North American Insurer to Adopt Policy on Free, Prior and Informed Consent

Landmark win for Indigenous rights sets a standard for other global insurers to follow October 13, 2022 (Bermuda) – AXIS Capital recently became the first insurer in North America to adopt a policy stipulating that it will not underwrite new projects without Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) of impacted Indigenous communities in accordance with …

A Global Movement is Demanding that Liberty Mutual Drop Trans Mountain

Around the globe, Liberty Mutual is facing calls to rule out insurance coverage for the Trans Mountain tar sands oil pipeline expansion (TMX) in Canada. In advance of Trans Mountain’s insurance policy expiring on August 31, 2022, Indigenous Peoples, communities, and climate activists came together to demand that #LibertyDropTMX and exit the tar sands sector …

Rusty oil pump centered in image

Fidelis becomes first North American insurer to restrict support for the oil and gas industry

Bermudan insurer extends the scope of existing coal policy to all fossil fuels September 30, 2022 (Bermuda) – Setting a precedent for the North American insurance industry, Fidelis has announced a suite of ambitious climate policies that restrict underwriting for oil and gas activities, including fracking, Arctic oil and gas, and tar sands, as well …

Brief: Fossil Fuel Insurers Invest Billions in Climate Chaos

American International Group (AIG), Berkshire Hathaway, Travelers, and Chubb are among the ten insurers that collectively invested over $59.7 billion in fossil fuels in 2019, finds an analysis released today by Insure Our Future, Public Citizen, and Rainforest Action Network.  The brief analyzed 2019 data released in April 2022 by the California Department of Insurance …

Top North American Fossil Fuel Insurers Invested $59.7 Billion in Fossil Fuels, Analysis Finds

New brief shows that fossil fuel insurers are heavily exposed to fossil fuels, with $30.8 billion in oil and gas holdings as of 2019. WASHINGTON, D.C – Analysis finds that North American fossil fuel insurers had $59.7 billion in fossil fuel investments—including $30.8 billion in oil and gas—according to recently released 2019 data. The brief …

Film Screening Connects Protection of the Arctic with Connecticut Insurance Company Decisions on Support for Drilling

Hartford, CT – The Arctic Refuge Defense Campaign, CCAG and Sierra Club are hosting a film screening and discussion of The Arctic: Our Last Great Wilderness this Thursday, July 28th at 6:30pm at the Connecticut Science Center in Hartford. The 19.6 million acres of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge are full of life and history. …

70 Organizations and Groups Renew Pressure on Insurers to Cut Ties with the Trans Mountain Pipeline

Today, 70 Indigenous rights, climate, environmental, consumer rights, and community organizations and groups sent a letter to 22 insurers that are at risk of insuring the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project and the existing Trans Mountain pipeline network.  Read the letter to Trans Mountain’s likely remaining insurers here. The recipients of the letter were: AIG, …

Climate Activists Rally Outside Marsh McLennan HQ in NYC, Citing Pipeline Support

See photos from the action. A growing movement is demanding that the world’s largest insurance brokerage drop the East African Crude Oil Pipeline Friday, July 1 (New York, NY) – Today, activists rallied outside the headquarters of Marsh McLennan, urging CEO Dan Glaser and other top executives to cut ties with the East African Crude …

Climate Activists Rally Outside Travelers Championship Tournament in Cromwell

Local residents bring message from global campaign calling on the insurance giant to stop underwriting fossil fuels VIDEOS/PHOTOS HERE Connecticut Citizen Action Group, Sierra Club Connecticut and the Insure Our Future Coalition rallied outside the Travelers Championship Tournament in Cromwell, chanting “Travelers underwrites climate change!”  Approximately 50 Connecticut-based climate activists marched alongside the TPC River …

Recap: Insurers Faced Unprecedented Investor Action on Climate in 2022 Shareholder Season

This spring, investors mounted an unprecedented challenge for climate action at the largest U.S. fossil fuel insurers, proposing a number of independent resolutions and spotlighting key director votes at AIG, Berkshire Hathaway, Chubb, The Hartford, and Travelers. Key Takeaways U.S. insurers faced unprecedented challenges from investors who are increasingly concerned about the risk that climate …

Fossil Fuel Insurers will Ignore Climate Change at Their Own Risk

The insurance industry, which is highly exposed to the risks of climate change, has quickly turned away from coal projects in recent years. Ignoring the signs of the times, three U.S. insurance companies continue to offer a lifeline to the expansion of coal production. It is no coincidence that all of them are led by …

Utilities Struggle to Insure New Coal Power, Contracts Reveal

Inexperienced insurers now underwriting operating coal plants as mainstream companies increasingly exit market Utilities are struggling to find insurance to build new coal power outside China, finds a report released today by the Insure Our Future campaign and Korean non-profit Solutions for Our Climate, which have obtained documents providing a rare snapshot of the state of …

Exposed: The Coal Insurers of Last Resort

Insurance contracts obtained by the Insure Our Future campaign show how utilities are struggling to find companies to underwrite new coal power projects, reveals a report Exposed: The Coal Insurers of Last Resort. Details of which companies insure which projects are rarely disclosed, so the contracts for KEPCO, Korea’s national power utility, give a unique snapshot …

Travelers Investors Call for Climate Action, but Fall Short of Supporting an End to Insuring Fossil Fuel Expansion

Photos available here Hartford, CT (May 31, 2022) – Last week, Travelers faced an unprecedented challenge from investors with two climate resolutions on the ballot at the company’s annual general meeting (AGM) on May 25. More than 55% of shares voted in favor of a resolution filed by As You Sow requesting the company to …

Chubb Shareholders Reject Management Recommendations on Key Climate and Director Votes

Newly-released vote tallies demonstrate broad investor concern on fossil fuel underwriting and emissions reductions. Zurich, Switzerland // New York City, USA (May 24, 2022) – At the May 19 annual meeting of Chubb Limited (NYSE: CB), investors voted against the company’s management recommendations in large numbers when it came to climate resolutions, demonstrating that investors …

At Chubb AGM, Insurance Giant Faced Demands for Climate Action on the Ballot and in the Streets

Shareholders pass resolution for transparency on emissions reductions plan, but stop short of calling for an end to insuring fossil fuel expansion  Zurich, Switzerland (May 19, 2022) – This morning, Chubb Limited (NYSE: CB) faced unprecedented challenges from shareholders on climate change at its annual general meeting (AGM). Over 50% of investors voted in favor …

The Hartford Shareholders Fail to Pass Climate Resolution Despite Growing Pressure on Insurers to Stop Underwriting New Fossil Fuel Projects 

May 18, 2022 (Hartford, CT): Today, The Hartford insurance company (NYSE: HIG) faced an unprecedented challenge from shareholders in a resolution filed by Green Century Capital Management calling on the insurance giant to stop underwriting new fossil fuel supplies. The resolution did not pass, but is a signal of growing investor concern over climate risk. …

The Insurance Industry is Attempting to Weaken Climate-Related Regulation

Today, think tank Influence Map released a report that details the US insurance industry’s efforts, via their trade associations, to weaken climate-related regulation of insurers. The findings provide evidence that, contrary to public statements made by insurers about the grave risk that climate change poses to their industry and the economy, insurance trade associations are …

Arch Becomes Eighteenth Insurer to Sever Ties with the Trans Mountain Tar Sands Pipeline

Number of insurers ruling out Trans Mountain continues to grow, following a year of climate impacts along the pipeline route and continued pressure from activists. London, UK (May 3, 2022) – Trans Mountain insurer and Lloyd’s of London syndicate Arch Insurance has committed to no longer insure the Trans Mountain tar sands pipeline after its …

Chubb Directors Face Challenge from Climate-Conscious Shareholders

Shareholder advocacy firm Majority Action recommends voting against responsible directors at Chubb Insurance for failing to address the climate crisis. New York, NY (May 2, 2022) – Today, Majority Action, a nonprofit shareholder advocacy organization, filed an exempt solicitation announcing its recommendation to institutional investors to vote against, Chair, CEO and Chair of the Executive Committee …

New York State Comptroller Announces Intention to Vote in Favor of Climate Shareholder Proposals at Chubb, The Hartford, and Travelers

Retirement Fund Represents Over One Million Members and Beneficiaries, Supports Insurers Ending Fossil Fuel Underwriting New York – In advance of the annual shareholder meetings for several major U.S. insurance companies, New York State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli has updated the 2022 proxy voting announcements to include the intent of the $279 billion NYS Common Retirement …

Trans Mountain Insurer Aspen Commits to Cut Ties with the Tar Sands Pipeline

Aspen joins sixteen companies that have ruled out insuring Trans Mountain London, UK (April 21, 2022) – Trans Mountain insurer and Lloyd’s of London syndicate Aspen Insurance has pledged to cut ties with the existing Trans Mountain tar sands pipeline when its current insurance policy expires this summer. Aspen joins sixteen insurance companies that have …

In Proxy Statements, Insurers Refuse to Align Business with 1.5ºC Climate Goal

This shareholder season has seen an unprecedented level of action from investors via shareholder proposals urging insurance companies that are underwriting fossil fuel expansion to align their underwriting portfolios with a 1.5°C global warming pathway. And while these insurers tout their climate credentials, they continue to provide the coverage necessary to build and operate new …

Giant Banner Drop at Insurance Conference Spotlights Chubb’s Role as a Top Fossil Fuel Insurer

Photographs will be available here. San Francisco (April 12, 2022) – This morning, Indigenous Environmental Network and Rainforest Action Network dropped a giant banner outside the largest insurance conference in North America – RIMS 2022 RISKWORLD – to spotlight Chubb Insurance’s destructive climate and human rights record. The banner reads: “Chubb, Don’t Risk Our Communities,” …

Street Mural outside RIMS Demands Insurance Industry Stop Fueling Climate Crisis

Photographs available here San Francisco (April 11, 2022) – A coalition of Indigenous, environmental justice, and climate organizations painted a giant mural outside the RIMS 2022 RISKWORLD Opening Ceremony with a clear message to the insurance industry: “Don’t Risk Our World.”  The mural depicted a globe surrounded by creatures native to California and Alaska, as well …

The Hartford’s Net Zero Announcement More Marketing than Climate Action

HARTFORD, CT (April 07, 2022) – Today, The Hartford announced a goal to achieve net zero emissions “for its full range of businesses and operations” by 2050. It did not provide any additional details on short-term actions, interim targets, or metrics to measure progress on emissions reductions. In response, Tom Swan, Executive Director of Connecticut Citizen …

SEC Rejects Chubb’s Bid to Silence Shareholders on Fossil Fuel Underwriting

Green Century’s resolution will be up for a vote at Chubb’s AGM this May The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has ruled in favor of a landmark shareholder resolution filed by Green Century Capital Management calling on Chubb to stop underwriting new fossil fuel projects in line with the International Energy Agency (IEA)’s Net …

AIG’s New Climate Commitments a Major Step Forward for Insurance Industry’s Transition Away from Fossil Fuels

Insurance Giant Rules Out Support for New Coal, Tar Sands, and Arctic Energy Exploration Projects and Commits to Net Zero Emissions by 2050 for Underwriting and Investments WASHINGTON, D.C. – American International Group Inc. (NYSE: AIG) today announced major new company-wide climate commitments, including commitments to no longer provide underwriting and investments in the construction …

Shareholder Activists Take on the U.S. Insurance Industry For Role in Climate Crisis

For the first time ever, insurance companies are facing a broad shareholder challenge for their contributions to the climate crisis.  Every year, interested shareholders of corporations come together at companies’ Annual General Meetings, where directors of the company present the company’s financial performance and shareholders vote on proposed resolutions. This year, investor Green Century Capital …

U.S. Insurance Industry Opposes Shareholders on Climate

Chubb, Travelers, and The Hartford have filed no-action requests in response to shareholder resolutions asking them to adopt climate policies February 16, 2022—Green Century Capital Management has filed resolutions calling on insurers Chubb, Travelers, and The Hartford to stop underwriting new fossil fuel projects. All three have filed no-action requests with the SEC. These resolutions …

Major Insurers Invest US $7.9 Billion in Oil & Gas Companies Active in the North Sea

February 8, 2022—Since 2019, 15 of the world’s major insurance companies have invested US $7.9 billion in companies conducting oil and gas drilling in the North Sea, which lies between the British Isles and mainland Europe. The research was conducted by Profundo and published by The Ferret. U.S. companies AIG and Travelers were among the …

Climate Laggard Travelers Adopts Coal & Tar Sands Policy

Policy demonstrates major movement among U.S.  insurers on coal and early movement on tar sands; Travelers is 6th North American company to restrict underwriting for coal and 3rd for tar sands HARTFORD, CT (February 7, 2022)—Insurance giant Travelers adopted a policy committing to not underwrite new coal-fired power plants. It also committed not to underwrite …

Documents Reveal Chubb, MAPFRE, and Tokio Marine Backing Massive Offshore Oil Expansion in Brazil

AXA, Liberty Mutual, and others also implicated in Brazil’s oil expansion plans, despite the IEA’s warnings that limiting warming to 1.5°C requires an end to all fossil fuel expansion January 20, 2022 — Global insurance companies Chubb, MAPFRE, and Tokio Marine insure the majority of Brazil’s offshore oil and gas drilling, according to a report …

Fueling Climate Change: The Insurers Behind Brazil’s Offshore Oil Expansion

Global insurance companies Chubb, MAPFRE, and Tokio Marine insure the majority of Brazil’s offshore oil and gas drilling, according to a report entitled Fueling Climate Change: The Insurers Behind Brazil’s Offshore Oil Expansion released by Insure Our Future. Based on previously undisclosed documents, the report finds that these three companies insure Brazil’s national oil company Petrobras, which …

Survey of Over 300 Insurance Professionals Finds They Want Climate Action from Their Employers

A recent survey of 345 insurance employees and risk management students found that the majority are deeply concerned about climate change and want the industry to address it.

The Hartford Speeds Up Tar Sands Divestment, but Continues to Insure Fossil Fuel Expansion

The Hartford, one of the world’s largest oil and gas insurers, announced that it is speeding up its timeline for divesting from the tar sands oil sector, but did not commit to any other needed measures on fossil fuel expansion.

NEW REPORT: U.S. Insurance Companies Undermine Climate Targets by Supporting Oil & Gas Expansion and Providing a Last Lifeline to Coal

The U.S. insurance industry is undermining efforts to meet climate targets by continuing to support new oil and gas production, the Insure Our Future campaign reveals today in its fifth annual scorecard on insurers’ climate policies.

AXIS Capital Becomes First North American Insurer To Commit To Coal Phaseout

In a first for a North American insurers, AXIS Capital commits to stop insuring companies developing coal infrastructure and phase out all coal business in line with a 1.5ºC pathway.

NEW REPORT: U.S. Companies are Rife with Fossil Fuel Ties & Conflicts of Interest

Action at The Hartford’s offices today calls for ouster of Director Michael Morris  October 7, 2021 — Twenty percent of directors at US insurance companies have worked in the fossil fuel industry, according to new research by investigative reporters at DeSmog. When the analysis is expanded to include ties to the largest emitting companies and …

Coalition Welcomes Chubb’s Exit From the Tar Sands Sector

Following years of pressure to cut ties with Trans Mountain, Chubb announced that it is no longer providing insurance coverage for tar sands projects.

15-foot inflatable of Chubb CEO Evan Greenberg Erected at US Tennis Open

[photo credit George de Castro-Day] A 15-foot tall inflatable of Chubb CEO Evan Greenberg wreathed in flames appeared outside the US Tennis Open in Flushing Meadows, Queens. Citizen groups had a clear message for the US Open sponsor’s CEO: stop destroying the planet.

Open Letter Calls on Insurers to Cut Ties with Trans Mountain, As Key Pipeline Insurance Policy Expires

Indigenous, environmental, and climate groups sent an open letter to twenty insurance companies that have failed to rule out insuring the Trans Mountain pipeline network.

Religious Community Calls on Leading Faith Insurer GuideOne to End Fossil Fuel Coverage

Sixty-five faith leaders, religious organizations, and congregations issued a letter to GuideOne Insurance, a leading provider of insurance policies for faith communities, calling on the company to end its practice of underwriting fossil fuel companies, whose products are responsible for climate change.

15th Insurer Rules out Coverage for the Trans Mountain Pipeline

Lloyd’s of London syndicate Cincinnati Global Underwriting has ruled out insuring the existing Trans Mountain tar sands pipeline and the Trans Mountain Expansion Project.

New Analysis Debunks Climate Action Claims in AIG’s ESG Report

Public Citizen released an analysis of AIG’s first ever “Environmental, Social and Governance” (ESG) report, in which the insurer affirms its underwriting and investments in the fossil fuel industry. Advocates find that AIG has not taken adequate climate action given its lack of restrictions on fossil fuels.

Why are Connecticut Climate Activists Rallying at a Golf Tournament? The Climate Crisis is Why.

In April 2021, Travelers, the second-largest property and casualty insurer in the US, announced plans to become carbon neutral across its owned operations by 2030. However, that commitment failed to address Travelers’s massive contribution to climate change: its underwriting and investment portfolios.

Climate Activists At Travelers Golf Tournament Call Out Insurer for Underwriting Fossil Fuels

Activists with the Connecticut Citizens Action Group brought banners and a marching band to the entrance of the Travelers Championship Golf Tournament today to protest Travelers’ role in the climate crisis. “Travelers Underwrites Climate Change,” read their banner, referencing that Travelers is one of the world’s top insurers of the fossil fuels driving climate change.

In Global First, Connecticut Passes Bill Addressing Insurers’ Participation in Risky Fossil Fuel Finance

The Connecticut General Assembly passed a bill implementing the state budget, which includes a provision requiring the Connecticut Department of Insurance to address the climate-related risks of insurers. This provision, Section 346 of the bill, will be the nation’s first law requiring insurers to address climate risk.

International Pressure Escalates on Trans Mountain Insurers as Renewal Deadline Looms

14 Insurers To Date Have Ruled Out Trans Mountain; 25 Actions Across 4 Continents Call for Remaining Insurers to Drop the Pipeline as Company Faces August 31 Deadline Photos will be available here (password: ranguest) June 16, 2021—As the Trans Mountain pipeline attempts to secure insurance coverage for 2021-2022, Indigenous Peoples, communities, and climate activists …

Trans Mountain Insurer Argo Commits to Cut Ties with the Pipeline Company

Argo joins more than ten companies that will not insure Trans Mountain, citing no “risk appetite” for tar sands pipelines.

70 Groups Call on Chubb CEO Evan Greenberg to Live Up to His Climate Rhetoric

For more information, contact: Jamie Kalliongis, (314) 651-7497, Photos from Zurich are here Photos from New York are here  May 19, 2021 (New York, NY) — 70 groups delivered a letter today calling on Chubb CEO Evan Greenberg to strengthen Chubb’s weak coal policy and stop insuring new oil and gas. Citizen groups wearing …

Following Pressure from Community Groups and Campaigners, Liberty Mutual Pauses Plans to Build Australian Coal Mine

April 29, 2021 (Queensland, Australia) – Insurance giant Liberty Mutual has indicated that it will not move forward with a massive proposed new coal mine today, after facing a sustained, years-long campaign against the project from local communities in Central Queensland, Australia and pressure from the US-based Liberty’s Climate Crisis coalition. The Environmental Impact Statement …

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