Pollution Premiums: U.S. Insurers Make Families Pay for Soaring Climate Costs

Fifty years after the industry first warned about the growing risks of climate change it continues to provide insurance that allows new fossil fuel projects to go ahead. Insurers are abandoning customers affected by climate risks, yet most continue to fuel the climate emergency by providing cover for increased oil and gas production. Read the …

Life Insurance Giant MetLife Doubles Down on Fossil Fuel Investments

Despite adopting a coal investment screen in 2020, MetLife is on a fossil fuel investment spree in Eastern Europe.

MetLife Becomes the First Major U.S. Life Insurer to Adopt a Policy on Coal and Tar Sands

The NYC-based life insurance giant is joining a global movement of insurers shifting capital out of coal and tar sands.

Major Consumer, Climate Groups Call on Insurance Industry to Ditch Fossil Fuels

New campaign Insure Our Future to hold US insurers accountable for role in climate change as first US insurance company to commit not to invest in fossil fuels
SAN FRANCISCO – On the eve of the Global Climate Action Summit (GCAS), a new campaign, Insure Our Future, is calling out the U.S. insurance industry as a major contributor to climate change and urging them to ditch fossil fuels. Insure Our Future is the first campaign focusing on the U.S. insurance industry’s significant role in perpetuating climate chaos.
The campaign launches as Lemonade, an insurance company powered by AI, becomes the first U.S. insurer to commit to never invest in fossil fuels, urging other insurers to follow suit.

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