About Us

Insure Our Future U.S. is a campaign comprised of environmental, consumer protection, and grassroots organizations holding the U.S. insurance industry accountable for its role in the climate crisis. We are part of the global Insure Our Future campaign, which promotes a rapid shift of the insurance industry away from fossil fuels to accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy.

Our campaigns

What We Want

We’re calling on U.S. insurance companies to end their support of fossil fuels. Read our detailed demands here.

We demand insurance companies take the following measures:

Immediately cease insuring new and expanded coal, oil, and gas projects.
Immediately stop insuring any new customers from the fossil fuel sector which have not published a transition plan aligned with a credible 1.5°C pathway, and stop offering any insurance services which support the expansion of coal, oil and gas production even among existing customers. By the end of 2025, completely phase out all insurance services for existing fossil fuel company customers which have not published such a transition plan.
Immediately divest all assets, including assets managed for third parties, from coal, oil, and gas companies which have not published a transition plan aligned with a credible 1.5°C scale up investments in a just, equitable, and rapid global transition to a clean energy economy.
Immediately define and adopt binding targets for reducing your insured emissions which are transparent, comprehensive and aligned with a credible 1.5°C pathway.
Explore ways to bring fossil fuel companies to court in order to make polluters rather than insurance customers pay for the growing costs of climate disasters.
Immediately establish, and adopt as policy, robust due diligence and verification mechanisms to ensure clients fully respect and observe all human rights, including a requirement that they obtain and document the Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) of impacted Indigenous Peoples as articulated in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Immediately bring stewardship activities, membership of trade associations and public positions as a shareholder and corporate citizen in line with a credible 1.5°C pathway in a transparent way.

Who We Are

The Insure Our Future network includes national and global organizations and social movements.

Endorse Insure Our Future

Add your organization’s voice to the growing call for insurance companies to stop insuring and investing in the climate crisis.