Chubb Must Stop Insuring Methane Projects, Demand Protestors

Chubb CEO Evan Greenberg receives direct message from activists during US China business event in New York October 15th, 2024 (New York, New York) — Evan Greenberg, CEO of Chubb Insurance, was the main focus for protestors outside of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations gala event Tuesday evening in Manhattan. Greenberg is the Executive …

Shared Fates A Housing Resilience Policy Vision for the Home Insurance Crisis

Every year, more people across the United States experience climate disasters, forcing them to leave their homes, lose their belongings, and be separated from jobs and family. Meanwhile, home insurance markets are in a mounting crisis–and leaving people across the country behind. Media and policy makers are attuned to this crisis, but most are not …

Chubb Drops Rio Grande LNG Insurance

Banks, and now insurers, drop project plagued with risk from community, cultural, and climate issues. RIO GRANDE, TX, August 6, 2024 — An insurance certificate obtained through a public information act request for Rio Grande LNG no longer lists Chubb as an insurer of the project. The insurance giant dropped the proposed controversial methane gas …

Over 200 Texans and Louisianians Travel to NYC Seeking Environmental Justice and End to Sacrifice Zones

Events and actions will be held from June 24-28 targeting banks, insurers, and supporters of industries polluting gulf communities New York, NY — Community leaders, elders, young people, and families from the U.S. Gulf South will converge on Wall Street to demand that major financial institutions including BlackRock, Bank of America, Citi, Chubb, KKR, Mizuho, …

Climate Activists at Travelers Golf Tournament Call Out Fossil Fuel Investments

Cromwell CT – June 20, 2024 – Yesterday, a group of Connecticut climate activists attended the Travelers Championship Golf Tournament Pro Amateur event and handed out golf towels to tournament attendees with the inscription “Dropping Policyholders Is Not a Climate Solution.” More than 100 towels were distributed to the crowd. The New York Times reported …

U.S. Capitol building, blue skies

Climate Change Upending Insurance Markets, Making Insurance Less Affordable, More Difficult to Find

In Budget Committee Hearing, Senators do a deep dive into the climate crisis’ impact on the insurance industry, finding disturbing systemic impacts that will undermine the system.  WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Senate Budget Committee on the Budget held a hearing this morning detailing the impacts climate change is having in states across the country. …

Insurance Companies Feel the Heat on Climate Change and Human Rights at Annual Meetings

Insurance giants AIG, Berkshire Hathaway, Chubb, Fairfax Financial, Markel, The Hartford, and Travelers faced shareholder resolutions, questions from concerned investors and activists, and demonstrations outside of their general meetings. Concerned investors and activists focused their attention on these North American insurers in the past month over insurers’ lack of due diligence with respect to Indigenous …

Analysis: Chubb’s new conservation and methane standards remain inadequate but should exclude support for EACOP

New criteria falls short of aligning with 1.5°C San Francisco – In a SEC filing of “Additional Proxy Soliciting Materials” Chubb quietly updated its oil, gas, and conservation policies. RAN’s analysis, released ahead of Chubb’s Annual General Meeting Thursday, May 16th, has concluded that while the updates are a small improvement, the loopholes and narrow scope result in policies …

Connecticut Climate Activists Rally at Travelers Shareholder Meeting

Hartford, CT — Today, Connecticut climate activists returned to the Travelers Annual Shareholder meeting to demand the company take real action on climate change and human rights. Activists from Connecticut Citizen Action Group (CCAG) and Third Act CT circled the Marriott Hotel in Downtown Hartford, while inside, activist shareholders engaged with management on the dangers …

80% of employees are ready to take action on climate change at work

As one of the world’s biggest fossil fuel insurers, insurance giants like Travelers can play a pivotal role in reaching global climate goals. As Travelers prepares for its annual general meeting, it faces a critical moment—yet again—to align its practices with the climate and human rights expectations of today’s workforce and Travelers’ community. Climate-Conscious Students …

Campaigners Demand ‘Polluters Pay’ as Insurance Industry Meet for Inaugural Sustainability Summit

Today, as the insurance industry convenes for the first Global Sustainable Insurance Summit in Los Angeles, the 32 campaign groups of the Insure Our Future network have sent a letter to the world’s leading fossil fuel insurers, detailing how they can accelerate the transition to a clean and just energy economy.   Demands in the letter …

California Homeowners Face Billions in Property Loss from Climate-Related Insurance Non-Renewals

The ‘Dirty Dozen’ insurers—that restricted coverage in California citing climate risks—have $113B of investments in and $3.6B of underwriting income from fossil fuels. California homeowners face a potentially staggering economic blow due to climate-related insurance non-renewals. Insure Our Future’s analysis finds homeowners could lose between $9.87-32.1 billion in property value as a result of more …

International Pressure Escalates on Trans Mountain Insurers as Renewal Deadline Looms

14 Insurers To Date Have Ruled Out Trans Mountain; 25 Actions Across 4 Continents Call for Remaining Insurers to Drop the Pipeline as Company Faces August 31 Deadline Photos will be available here (password: ranguest) June 16, 2021—As the Trans Mountain pipeline attempts to secure insurance coverage for 2021-2022, Indigenous Peoples, communities, and climate activists …

With New Policy, The Hanover Insurance Group Starts to Exit Coal and Tar Sands

Hanover has committed to cease new investments in many coal and tar sands companies and partly divest from these sectors by 2025.

Indigenous Environmental Network: Biden Revokes Keystone XL, Indigenous Leaders Celebrate and Push for Stronger Action

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:Jennifer K. Falcon,, +1 218-760-9958 Bemidji, MN (January 20, 2021) – Today, President Biden officially revoked the presidential permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. This tar sands project, owned by TC Energy, has been challenged by the Indigenous Environmental Network since its first permit hearings back in 2010. While this is a …

Lloyd’s Adopts New Fossil Fuel Policy; U.S. Insurers Under Pressure

Lloyd’s announcement highlights the ever-growing gap between U.S. insurance companies and their global peers on climate action.

Indigenous, Climate Activists Demand Liberty Mutual Stop Insuring Destructive Tar Sands Pipelines

Boston, MA (October 2, 2020)—Activists took to the streets today to demand that Liberty Mutual stop insuring and investing in the pipelines that devastate Indigenous rights and the environment. Liberty is backing the expansion of tar sands pipelines across North America, including the controversial Keystone XL and Trans Mountain pipelines. Tar sands are among the …

140+ Groups Call on Trans Mountain’s Insurers to Drop the Pipeline

Today, 140 organizations representing 24 million people sent a letter to insurers of the Trans Mountain pipeline.

MetLife Becomes the First Major U.S. Life Insurer to Adopt a Policy on Coal and Tar Sands

The NYC-based life insurance giant is joining a global movement of insurers shifting capital out of coal and tar sands.

Who’s Insuring the Trans Mountain Pipeline?

A new campaign is demanding these companies respect Indigenous rights and drop their coverage.

Rolling Stone: Big Insurance Is Climate’s Quiet Killer

A coalition of climate justice organizations is targeting Liberty Mutual for underwriting fossil fuels By  ELANA SULAKSHANA  &  TAMARA TOLES O’LAUGHLIN The following article was published on April 20 at Climate and social justice advocates have long worked to connect the dots between flows of big money and the main players propping up the …

Big Banks Lead Multi-Billion Dollar Bond Issuances Days After Company Pushes Pipeline Forward Amid Global Pandemic

Tar sands pipeline Keystone XL funded by JPMorgan Chase, Citi, and five Canadian banks, assisted by BlackRock SAN FRANCISCO, CA, April 3, 2020 — On Tuesday, March 31, TC Energy announced its decision to move forward with the controversial Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline — despite active legal challenges, a lack of required permits, …

Are U.S. Insurers Breaking Up with Fossil Fuels?

In the last six months of 2019, four U.S. insurance companies took encouraging action to limit coal insurance, directly citing the risks of climate change to the economy and society.

The Hartford Adopts Policy on Tar Sands and Coal

The Connecticut-based insurer is a top ten U.S. commercial property and casualty insurer. It has approximately $3.3 billion invested in fossil fuels, including more than $667 million in thermal coal.

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