
2023 Scorecard on Insurance, Fossil Fuels and the Climate Emergency

Company Country ceo Underwriting Investment
Total Coal Oil & Gas Total Coal Oil & Gas
Switzerland Mario Greco
3.54 / 10
Rank 11
Total 3.54 / 10
Coal 7.80 / 10
Oil & Gas 1.49 / 10
7.80 / 10
Rank 7
1.49 / 10
Rank 11
5.3 / 10
Rank 6
Total 5.3 / 10
Coal 10 / 10
Oil & Gas 2.9 / 10
10 / 10
Rank 1
2.9 / 10
Rank 11
CEO: Mario Greco
Switzerland Switzerland

Underwriting Score

3.54 / 10
Rank 11
7.80 / 10
Rank 7
Oil & Gas
1.49 / 10
Rank 11

Investment Score

5.3 / 10
Rank 6
10 / 10
Rank 1
Oil & Gas
2.9 / 10
Rank 11

With strong coal restrictions, Zurich used to be a climate leader. It is however one of the few major European insurers still supporting new oil and gas projects.

Rank over time

The companies were ranked from 1 (best) to 30 (worst) based on their scores, companies with the same score were given the same rank. Data was not collected on oil & gas until 2020.

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